I am currently pursuing a B.Tech in Electronics and Communication Engineering, with a strong focus on web development using React, Next.js, and Node.js. I am deeply passionate about large language models (LLMs) and their transformative potential. I enjoy participating in events, connecting with like-minded individuals, and embracing opportunities to learn and grow together.
Work Experience
Check out my latest work
I've worked on a variety of projects, from simple websites to complex web applications. Here are a few of my favorites.
A revolutionary AI-powered platform that personalizes your learning experience, making it unique, engaging, and tailored to your goals, pace, and style. Break free from traditional learning and take charge of your education with padhAI.
BeyondJob is a job-hunting platform that bridges the gap between job seekers and recruiters. Users can apply for jobs directly, and recruiters can post job listings. The platform offers a streamlined and efficient user experience powered by modern technologies. It was made for a NGO - Suvidha Foundation.
A lightning-fast API designed for scalability and efficiency, leveraging a lightweight, edge-optimized framework, a distributed in-memory database for rapid data access, a modern web application framework for seamless integration, and a globally distributed network for unparalleled speed and reliability.
This is a tic tac toe game made using html , css and js , but it has a new algorithm used in it. it has three modes - two player mode - play with ai -easy and impossible and in impossible mode , minimax algorithm is used to make the user impossible to win the game , it will be either a tie or the ai wins the game.
I like building things that have an impact
During my time in college, I have participated in 3+ hackathons. I would love to participate in more.
- B
Developed an Educational Platform powered by AI to provide a seamless and enhanced experience for both educators and students. - V
Vihaan007 - DTU
Developed a platform for improving mentrual health espeaciallty in remote areas under Healthcare domain. - I
Innohacks - NSUT
Developed a platform for government official work to easily trasnlate doscuments and files in native languages.
Get in Touch
Want to chat? Just shoot me a dm with a direct question on twitter and I'll respond whenever I can.